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Old Apr 27, 2008, 11:57 PM // 23:57   #21
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The no chat thing is per request by my cousin's husband (his father). He doesn't let him or his 10 yr old brother use the Internet at all (without adult supervision). Only reason he let me buy him GW was because I would always party up with him and we can 2-player it after school for an hour or so until his dad comes by to pick him up. But I don't let him surf the web at all (even supervised) at my house. I don't want his dad to point the finger at me if his son picked up something "new" that he may have gotten from other schoolkids.

When he did THK though the rest of us were eating dinner, so I don't know how exactly he pulled it off. When I finished I got up from the dinner table to check on his progress and he was on his way to coming face to face with Confessor Dorian.

Anyway, why am I explaining this to you? If some of you think you can be a better parent, congratulations. I'm just respecting their parent's wishes.

Last edited by Kula; Apr 28, 2008 at 12:13 AM // 00:13..
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 12:40 AM // 00:40   #22
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Originally Posted by Kula
The no chat thing is per request by my cousin's husband (his father). He doesn't let him or his 10 yr old brother use the Internet at all (without adult supervision). Only reason he let me buy him GW was because I would always party up with him and we can 2-player it after school for an hour or so until his dad comes by to pick him up. But I don't let him surf the web at all (even supervised) at my house. I don't want his dad to point the finger at me if his son picked up something "new" that he may have gotten from other schoolkids.

When he did THK though the rest of us were eating dinner, so I don't know how exactly he pulled it off. When I finished I got up from the dinner table to check on his progress and he was on his way to coming face to face with Confessor Dorian.

Anyway, why am I explaining this to you? If some of you think you can be a better parent, congratulations. I'm just respecting their parent's wishes.
You are awesome. Seriously, if I would want anyone to babysit my "future" (if I have any) children, it would be you. You're one of the few who takes care of there children, and uses common sense/logic.

And on a side not, I may not be a parent, but guess what I let me 3 year old brother play? He plays BF2. Now, he does not know how to read, or type on the chat so he cant understand what they type. He's never in a squad so no voice chat. Yes, I have seen him get in the tank before and i've witnessed him blow up some MEC tanks, and jeeps full of people all by himself without me interfering, only watching.

The internet these days is very, dangerous. You can't tell whether you'll get a virus or not whenever you download a file. I'm still jumpy a little after the first time I got a Trojan, which was quickly disposed of.

Yes, I do sometimes pug with people, but normally it's on some of those last few missions I can't do. I pugged for Gate of Madness, I was stuck on that mission for about a week, and I pugged for about 2 times every day. I also on one day tried H/H, i made it to Shiro but died quickly to him. At some point, I ended up with a decent team and we were able to kill the little evil one. About 1 hour later (less or more, don't remember exact) I beat nightfall. Honestly, Gate of Abbadon wasn't that hard. Compared to Gate of Madness that is...
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 01:27 AM // 01:27   #23
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Is it just me, or do a lot of the people who complain about pugs being bad seem to be contributing to the badness of the pug.

I've had pretty good experiences with pugs, and I pug about 50% of my pve.

Pugged 3 of my chars through Hell's Precipice last night:

1st pug - Played my monk. Had members from [SMS], [Rare], and [ OG ]. We rolled with ease and had a good time chatting along the way.

2nd pug - Played a resto rit alongside a monk with only heals. Had a wammo who liked to used Heal Sig when taking damage. He gets upset when we agree to do the bonus to help 2 players in the pug. Tries to over-aggro but we kept going strong while making fun of him.

3rd pug - Played an imbagon. I rushed the group along a little as I was getting tired. Easy peasy.

Maybe I'm just lucky.

Edit: Apparently [ OG ] without spaces is [[Oppressive Gaze]

Last edited by JoeKnowMo; Apr 28, 2008 at 01:29 AM // 01:29..
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 02:43 AM // 02:43   #24
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Don't pug full stop.
On another note have run into many "Kids" in almost 3 years of playing.
One stands out to this day he was chatting in local to some guy/girl and started to give personal info about himself
at the request and prodding of the said guy/girl.
I quickly whispered him that he should not give any personal info out to anyone on the net and specially in a game.
He said it was ok his parents were out shopping. WTF?
Went and gave his real name home addy and phone number after that in local.
he could have been a kid or someone else unthinkable I don't know but
what ever happened to teaching your kids internet safety ? some parents need to be shot IMO.
My 2 kids know the rules do yours?
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 02:50 AM // 02:50   #25
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Pugs show the fate of humanity in the future, hide in a corner and get comfy with yourself...Seriously though the people in Pugs most of the time just make you wanna cry on the inside, that's why I stopped a long time ago.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 02:54 AM // 02:54   #26
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i'd like to admit, i play monk and sometimes I rarely think about just up and bailing...but sometimes there are players for no particular reason just NEED to over-aggro... (ursan) *shudder*

Anyway, no i never have had to just simply rage quit and i'm way too old for that...

If i get sick of a group, you guys will end up knowing the easy way. I'll just stop healing everyone and focus on me. :P

In right mind there shouldnt be any reason for someone to just get soo pissed enough to just give up and log out. God. It's just a game. Games are fun or they should at least give some entertainment.

I love guild wars, been a supporter for 2.5yrs now. Yea..It's not just 12yr olds who get sick of it all. Some of us oldies get aggrivated enough to bail without question. Get used to it.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 03:01 AM // 03:01   #27
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I never use pugs anymore, only H/H. Today, I was helping a newbie guildie through Dunes of despair. I was adding heros, when someone invited himself to the party. I thought, hey, it may be more fun to run with more people. So, I added the Wammo and Derv, and we left. Half way through the mission, the whammo started complaining we weren't doing bonus, even though I never said we were and he never asked. He quickly rage quit.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 03:12 AM // 03:12   #28
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Originally Posted by natural_Causes
I never use pugs anymore, only H/H. Today, I was helping a newbie guildie through Dunes of despair. I was adding heros, when someone invited himself to the party. I thought, hey, it may be more fun to run with more people. So, I added the Wammo and Derv, and we left. Half way through the mission, the whammo started complaining we weren't doing bonus, even though I never said we were and he never asked. He quickly rage quit.
You brought that one on yourself. You should have made it clear what you were doing before starting the mission. And yes, he/she should have asked.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 04:02 AM // 04:02   #29
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Anyone else pull there hair out when people hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys?

Bah, i dont care about what fracking thing your wielding,or the skills your using, and yes i know "This is Hard Mode".
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 04:15 AM // 04:15   #30
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Personally, while I have had good experiences with PUGs, I have had really bad ones that keep me to myself. If I need help, I call on my officer/boyfriend. If he doesnt work, I beg the alliance...if that doesn't work...I try to ask for help or wiki it. Btw, if your child can not understand the rules of the internet, they should not be allowed. I know parents blame everything on the video games (yes, a stereotype but it is true, ask Hillary) but, if they are the ones buying little jimmy the shoot em up game, they are sorta asking for it. >.> I know I am careful with my cousin, but he tends to ignore me and leave my guild without a good reason. >.> stupid 14 year old...doesn't he know I'm the one with the 3+ years experience in this game? I can be a walking wiki!
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 04:34 AM // 04:34   #31
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I think this has come up before, but, if I'm playing my monk I decide if the group is worth fighting with or to continue, not you or the group members. I am NOT OBLIGATED to continue or even finish a mission once I start one. My time is more precious than anyone else's time that's the first lesson you learn in life "look out for number ONE first". When I play in others groups I listen to what they want to do, ask for someone to call targets and work as a "team". If you don't start out working as a team chances are in the really tough places you are never going to make it anyways. I've been doing helping runs in Hells Princepe for the last couple of days and I can tell pretty much at the very start if we are going to make it or not. Mainly when you have two or three people who break off and attack DIFFERENT mobs at the same time knowing full well these are going to split into two Titans: Fists & Hands, yet, these idiots keep breaking them apart in three pairs, nope that mission is doomed to fail and I say BYEE BYEEE. <grin>
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 04:37 AM // 04:37   #32
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you play with good people
you use good builds
you win

everyone is happy
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 04:42 AM // 04:42   #33
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Just got out of a Ring of Fire PuG where some trapper was yelling at people to pull back and getting pissed off because the monsters weren't going into their traps. Funny how he was trapping the backline of the party and the monsters were jade bows....

Sometimes I pug for amusement, but I don't have expectations when it comes to doing things effectively in a PuG.

Odgen spirit bond's himself when getting slammed by Abyssimals, dismisses conditions, kites monsters, and for the most part pays attentions to flags and positioning when hes forced to defend. Thats 100x better than what most PuG's are capable of. Half the PuG's out there consist of like 7 melee, and one monk anyway. So trying to heal a group like that is like trying to chase a group of brainless gerbils around a room with revolving blades for walls.

But the one thing about PuG's I hate the most is that there are always 2-4 people arguing about how much they know about the game and screaming at other players when it comes to skills and performance when they are really just idiots with visions of grandeur about their non-existent E-Peens.

Like monks with firestorm running around screaming at people, calling them nubs and bragging about ever single skill or accomplishment they make in the mission (including taking credit for things they don't do).

Or glad's defense warriors running into a Mursaat Tower and starting at it, dealing nothing more than auto attack damage while screaming at healers because they are dying.

Yeah pugs are generally bad news.

Odgen, Tahlkora, Livia, Gwen, and the rest of the gang don't complain, never rage quit, generally pay attention to their positioning, and have customizable skill bars that can be setup to ensure that they don't suck.

My advice to you is:

A.) Love your heroes, cherish them, max their armor and get them kick ass weapons, unlock all the skills you can with tomes and pvp to better them and yourself. It pays off later when you need them for harder missions and zone clearing.

B.) Find a good and supportive guild with experienced members that can better you as a player or can take you to a higher level in your skills at the game. Always keep and open mind to suggestions and ideas from other guildies.

D.) Download ventrilo and learn how to use it. Vent makes guildwars and co-op 100x better.

E.) PvPing makes you a better player, because you learn to understand build strengths and weaknesses, apply that knowledge to every aspect of the game. Experiment with builds in RA, do some TA with friends, and generally familiarize yourself with unique strategies and playstyles.

F.) When interesting chat pops up in all chat in places like monastary, piken square, or greater temple of balthazar, get in on conversations and make friends. Play with people that you know. Friends don't let friends PuG.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 08:18 AM // 08:18   #34
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I've had some interesting experiences PUGging.

I ran into a good group at Ring of Fire (well, a good few people and others who at least listened). I also had a few other good experiences in some of the Nightfall missions. Dragon's Lair was actualy fun with a PUG once we ditched the griefer.

On the other hand, I ran into PUG hell in the Crystal Desert. Elona Reach was a pain, as I was PUGging it (Makes good monk practice), and we had players who A) Insisted their R/E did more damage with flare and firestorm than ranger bow skills, B) Specced into 6+ attribute lines, C) Insist on carrying Healing Breeze on their warrior (at least it wasn't mending), D) Insist on killing EVERYTHING instead of smart Agroing.

A newer guildie of mine mentioned that he always did better with guild mates over PUGs, and wondered why. The only think I could say was that many players simply don't pay enough attention to what's going on to adjust their skills, nor do they learn from their failure. They use skills that on paper look cool (and admittedly, Firestorm looks cool on paper before you learn about what other skills are available out there), and only pay attention to skills strictly by the damage numbers, as that's what rules most more casual games (DPS over over all effect).

I actually find it fun to meet a PUGger and teach him a little bit about the game. Often, many PUGgers are that bad because no one's shown them differently.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 09:37 AM // 09:37   #35
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Its a refreshing feeling sometimes to pug. Lots of lolz and rofls if you have the time. (Its VERY important to have sufficient time as it will take at least 3 times longer than H/H).

I have a friend who loves to monk for pug and screw them up. Not that I agree with his way of amusing himself, but his pug groups are quite screwed up themselves to begin with (from what I am told).
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 10:34 AM // 10:34   #36
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just played this 12 yr old in HB

I won and said the norm. "gg" to which he replyed - "stfu u f****** noob, go suck my c*** f*ck head...stop running lame s***

my build was original and not a lame one like 3 r/p etc. I lol'd my ass off at how angry he got because he lost to fun fun

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Old Apr 28, 2008, 10:36 AM // 10:36   #37
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by DarkGanni
Imo Pugs are terrible, I usually don't pug and still do good.

I'm sure you can do the same ^
ok forget about annoying pugs.. what i want to know is how you managed to play for 10hr a day strait for 3 years :

365 x 3 x 24 = 26280 hrs

9998 hrs / 26280 hrs = 0.38

24 x 0.38 = 9.12 hrs! a day
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 10:54 AM // 10:54   #38
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Originally Posted by jsshah1
ok forget about annoying pugs.. what i want to know is how you managed to play for 10hr a day strait for 3 years :

365 x 3 x 24 = 26280 hrs

9998 hrs / 26280 hrs = 0.38

24 x 0.38 = 9.12 hrs! a day
Either Photoshopped, afking, or he/she has no life at all.
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 10:59 AM // 10:59   #39
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Originally Posted by Lordhelmos
Like monks with firestorm running around screaming at people, calling them nubs and bragging about ever single skill or accomplishment they make in the mission (including taking credit for things they don't do).
I had that happening way back, but I remember because it made me laugh so much. Some group was looking for a monk and I had loaded in ToA on mine, offering to run prot for 'em 'cause I was bored - a ZB hybrid, for later explications. The group isn't horrible, but I had seen better.

We hit a weird spawn and the skellies are rushing for the Eternal Forgemaster and co. After the fight, the monk goes RIGHT into the traps as I'm moving along with the group. When I see his (or her.. I dunno) bar turn pink, I roll my eyes and head back there. Monk hasn't healed himself yet so I throw a ZB on him before clearing conditions. I gained my 7e, if you know how ZB works it means the target was below 50% health. He was about at 30-35% IIRC.

Monk: Why didn't you heal me before?!?!?!?!!!! I just saved my ass!!!! You suck!!!
Me: Well first you were half of a radar back, ran into traps...
Monk: So?!
Me: Just to prove you didn't, I DID gain my 7 energy back from ZB, which means I healed your ass and you go nuts at me?
Necromancer: *sides with the monk* Well if you want your precious energy back...! *spends the REST of the run BRing me*

I didn't rage there, but the necro did before we hit beach. And let me say beach didn't last long.

Wammo: LEMME PULL. *rushes in a mob, doesn't come back, but at least tries to kill stuff*
Monk: *goes after him... IN the mob*
Both die.
Wammo: /rage
Monk: Why didn't you heal me?????
Me: You rushed that mob along with the warrior... I used enchantments but they got rended, used ZB to put you back on health, used GoF to try to make you last until ZB recharged...
Monk: Use dismiss condition! Spam it! OMFG NOOB.
Me: Dismiss only gives heal bonus if you're enchanted but since you were so in the mob you got rended right away...

Actually the monk left while I was typing this sentence. I wasn't pissed or anything, in fact I think I was doing my job... don't even think I got a shard for that. But I got what I asked for; entertainment x].
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Old Apr 28, 2008, 12:44 PM // 12:44   #40
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Originally Posted by jsshah1
ok forget about annoying pugs.. what i want to know is how you managed to play for 10hr a day strait for 3 years :

365 x 3 x 24 = 26280 hrs

9998 hrs / 26280 hrs = 0.38

24 x 0.38 = 9.12 hrs! a day
AFK nine rings, LDoA, there are a fair few ways that you will need to rack up the hours.
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